
Behold the hands, how they promise, conjure, appeal, beckon, admire, confess, instruct, and what not besides, with a variation and multiplication of variations which make the tongue envious.

Behold the hands

Our society has undergone profound changes. An external isolation has prevented our contact with others. And touching, and being touched, has always been an essential need. This period has led us to think about ourselves and about how our society is moving toward the future.

We live in a global world. Everyone’s needs should be equally met. But is this really happening? There are still major differences between countries, communities, races and genders. We must achieve a greater capacity for development, ensuring, for example, that energy, because of its importance, reaches all homes.

In the year 2020, the “Electricity for all” programme sponsored by Iberdrola reached 8.2 MILLION BENEFICIARIES

Many people still cannot choose what to do, how to live, or whom to love. What does it matter who we are or with whom we identify? Society should allow us to freely make our own decisions.

Iberdrola has already granted 1,000 SCHOLARSHIPS
to receive top-calibre training, primarily in STEM disciplines

It is still difficult to be women, mothers and workers. To reconcile working and family life. We seek to continue training ourselves and moving up at the company. We would like to fulfil all of our dreams and aspirations in any field. Equality must be as much about rights as about resources and opportunities.

The number of women in Iberdrola’s workforce
has increased by 38% over the last 5 years

100% Wage equality

In 2020 the total average remuneration of women exceeded that of men

We do not speak the same language or share the same culture. We are of different races and our skin is of a different colour. Will this prevent us from understanding each other? From living and working together? Diversity is good for everything. At work it broadens perspectives and improves performance.

42% of Iberdrola's  external directors are women

Presence of 6 different nationalities on the Board

It is important to feel that we are part of a group, each of us with our age and size, with our religion and thinking. We are very valuable, because we contribute great things.

Employees from 72 nations and more than 4 generations co-exist at Iberdrola

With varying degrees of difficulty, we are making progress. It is not easy for us, but we keep trying. We are always seeking to reach the goal, overcoming the barriers that we encounter. We are part of the movement, and only need a little more momentum.

We have different capabilities. We communicate with each other, we express ourselves and have feelings. We play a part in society’s progress! Our differences teach us how to design models that fit everyone.

We are committed to encouraging inclusion and diverse talent

The hiring of people  with disabilities has increased the representation of this group by 38% over the last 3 years

Our mistakes and failures, as well as our divergences and experiments, are part of a process. Acknowledging them opens up pathways and carries us further. That’s what it’s all about: going as far as possible and not being afraid. Fear hinders us but curiosity stimulates us. This is how to grow and move forward.

Who says that some sports are better for some people than others? Why can’t we engage in the sports that we like due to a lack of resources, because of exclusion or because we have been pigeonholed? We are fast and strong.

Encouragement for sports played by women in 16 leagues in search of actual equality in all areas of society

The air, the sun, the water ... We share and care about our planet. If we want to enjoy it, the change must begin with ourselves. The environment is everyone’s business.

70% of Iberdrola's suppliers will be subject to sustainability policies and standards by 2022

The most underrated form of energy is human heat. Historically, whenever people have felt that they were in danger, they have tended to group together. Whenever our civilization has stopped to think about the great advances that it has made, it has found itself in a vulnerable situation. Thanks to new technologies, we have been able to connect with people far away. Somehow, we have managed to band together. We must protect and preserve everything that makes us more human.

Companies must also be more humane. They must listen to and consider the opinions of their stakeholders. To do so, companies must be familiar with their stakeholders’ needs and concerns. Activities that encourage relationships among different members make it easier to establish shared goals and objectives. Thus, a team is created.

We do not seek to fit in. Instead, we seek to stand out. We are equal, we are diverse and we want to be included. We have much to say, much to contribute and much to build. Our achievements are everyone’s achievements. We are on the way and we are moving forward hand-in-hand. Hands create the world every day.

In 2020 an innovative equality, diversity and inclusion policy was approved that adopts the best international practices